Temperature and humidity Dataloggers

Temperature and humidity Datalogger

Product Name: Haxo-8       |       Brand: Logtag

RangeAccuracyResolutionPower requirementDatasheet
Temperature range: -40 ~ +85 °C
Humidity range: 0 ~ 100 % RH
Temperature: Better than ±0.45°C (±0.8°F) for +0°C to +50°C
Humidity: Better than ±5%RH for 10%RH to 80%RH.
8000 pairs of humidity & temperature readings (32 Kbytes memory) 3V LiMnO2 BatteryView Pdf

Temperature and humidity Dataloggers with Display

Product Name: UHADO-16       |       Brand: Logtag

RangeAccuracyResolutionPower requirementDatasheet
Temperature range: -30 °C to +70 °C
Humidity range: 0 ~ 100 % RH
Temperature: Better than ±0.45°C (±0.8°F) for +0°C to +50°C
Humidity: Better than ±3%RH for 20%RH to 80%RH, typically ±2%RH.
16,129 pairs of humidity and temperature readings
106 days @ 10min logging, 160 days @ 15min logging.
3V CR2032 BatterView Pdf
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